I have a table which maintains records of the transactions carried out within the enterprise.
Now I am writing a function that returns the transaction IDs that were found in the table. Following is the code of the function :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION searchList(inputList varchar) RETURNS character varying AS $BODY$
newList varchar;
rowcount integer;
splitted varchar[];
splitted = regexp_split_to_array(inputList,','); --splits the string by comma as a delimiter and produces an array as a result
select incidents.transaction_id into newList from incidents where transaction_id IN(select unnest(splitted)); --unnest function expands the array and is replaced by all the values of array
GET DIAGNOSTICS rowcount = ROW_COUNT; -- ROW_COUNT is the literal which is gonna provide the number of rows returned by previous query
IF rowcount = 0 THEN
return 'Match does not exist';
return newList;
$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I am providing a string as an input to the function and then splits that string to form an array and then I am running a select query that is intended to store the transaction id of all such records into a variable whose transaction id was present within the array and finally return the variable
However, when I execute this function I only get one of the transaction_id as output even if all the transaction_id provided are a match.
I am using select into to store the result into variable however I have a feeling it only stores one of the extreme values of the column(first/last)
Is there any way we can store the result of a single column which may contain multiple entries into the variable.
I know there are multiple threads already here related to select into, however none of them helped. I have recently begin using pgsql so have little knowledge of the subject
If you want to return all values returned, you need to aggregate somehow. As you seem to want a comma separated list, use string_agg(). There is no need to unnest the array though:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION searchlist(inputlist text)
newlist text;
select string_agg(transaction_id,',')
into newlist
from incidents
where transaction_id = any (string_to_array(inputlist, ','));
IF coalesce(newlist, '') = '' THEN
return 'Match does not exist';
return newList;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I would highly recommend to not pass comma separated values around. Postgres properly supports arrays and I would use an array as a parameter and and array as the return value as well. You also don't really need PL/pgSQL for this.
A cleaner version (in my opinion) would be:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_list(p_inputlist int[])
select array_agg(transaction_id)
from incidents
where transaction_id = any (p_inputlist);
The only difference is that this doesn't return a message indicating that the returned array was empty. If you do that, you can use cardinality()
in the code that uses the function to check if no rows were returned.