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Bash-Ubuntu 18.04-ROS-Melodic: Ping to IP address does not return anything

I have a Velodyne Puck 16 sensor that I have been trying to connect to ROS Melodic for the past few days. My OS is Ubuntu 18.04. I was able to find out the address of the lidar using WireShark, as it is possible to see below:


So the IP is:

After very very carefully following the installation procedure in the official documentation everything I was trying was unsuccessful.

So I decided to apply a simple ping procedure to the address of the lidar:

ping it does not return any package of information despite it seems connected.

The problem I have is that, despite I know the IP address of my Velodyne 16 using Wireshark, the lidar does not answer to a simple test as the ping of the id.

Steps I followed:

1 Configure your computer’s IP

Below the connection procedure: I created a velodyne_interface connection, see below:


Existing Connection




2 Connecting your computer to LIDAR through terminal

emanuele@pc:~$ sudo ifconfig enp109s0

Add a static route to the LIDAR's IP address.

emanuele@pc:~$ sudo route add enp109s0

3 Checking the configurations [Problem is here]

To check the connection open your web browser and access the following sensor’s network address.

The problem is that I never get to see the webpage showing the lidar data. Basically I never get to see the page below provided in the official documentation:


What is happening? Why is that happening?


  • There is probably some problems with the routing. You can try debugging the routing issues, some googling will probably help there. Some commands which might help pinpoint the problem tracepath -n and ip route list.

    The easiest solution to your problem would be to just configure the "velodyne_interface" you created to the same subnet as your velodyne lidar. So in the "velodyne_interface" set your ip to for example. Connect to the "velodyne_interface" connection, verify that you have the ip you set by typing ip a or ifconfig in some terminal and you should be able to access the Velodyne web interface from From there you can configure the velodyne sensor networking to the settings you like.