I am using html2canvas in nextjs. As nextjs does server side rendering it is difficult to use html2canvas in nextjs.
I used the dynamic library provided by nextjs to import html2canvas,now I don't know how to use html2canvas function after import as written in html2canvas's documentation.
Importing html2canvas
const html2canvas = dynamic(() => import('html2canvas'),{ssr:false})
when I run below step as written in doc,the output of error says
"html2canvas is not a function"
html2canvas(document.body).then(function(canvas) {
I want to know how can I use it.
Nextjs dynamic import is used on importing react components. If you want to import a node module you can use normal javascript based dynamic import like below
import('html2canvas').then(html2canvas => {
html2canvas.default(document.body).then(canvas =>
}).catch(e => {console("load failed")})