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Is there a way to use 'pool_reset_connection' from mysql-connector-python with MariaDB 10.4.7?

I want to change my python program from a normal connection to a Connection Pool so that the database connection doesn't get lost when no queries are sent for some hours, as well as the database not being overwhelmed with a bunch of queries at once at peak usage.

I'm using Python 3.7.4, mysql-connector-python 8.0.17, and MariaDB 10.4.7. It works fine when I use a normal connection, but MariaDB apparently doesn't support the pool_reset_session setting of mysql.connector.pooling.MySQLConnectionPool

At the start of my code, it tries to create the database if it doesn't yet exist, and that is causing the errors I get.

import mysql.connector as mariadb
from mysql.connector import errorcode
from mysql.connector import pooling

cnx = mariadb.pooling.MySQLConnectionPool(user='root', password='password', host='localhost', 
                                          pool_name='connectionpool', pool_size=10, pool_reset_session=True)

    db = cnx.get_connection()
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS tests")
    print("Created database")
except mariadb.Error as err:
    print(f"Failed creating database: {err}")
    print("Finally (create)")

I expected that this snippet would just create the database tests but instead I got the following two errors:

mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: MySQL version 5.7.2 and earlier does not support COM_RESET_CONNECTION.

as well as

mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError: 1047 (08S01): Unknown command

From the traceback logs, it looks like this gets caused by trying to execute db.close() in line 17.

Full output with traceback:

I am asking what I can do to fix this and if it's possible at all to use this sort of connection pooling with MariaDB 10.4.7 (I get confused because it says that MySQL <= 5.7.2 doesn't support this reset of connections after use even though I use MariaDB 10.4.7)

I also found out that MariaDB Connector/J does provide such an option, called useResetConnection but I don't want to learn Java just for this feature.


  • I was facing the same issue with mysql-connector-python for mariaDB, and I downgraded mysql-connector-python version to 8.0.12 and it worked for me