In a Symfony 5.0.2 project a test of the new Mailer fails with
Error: Call to a member function getSubject() on null
The email service and test are based on symfonycast tutorials.
Adding var_dump($email);
in the service immediately after $email = ...;
shows object(Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\TemplatedEmail)#24 (11) {...
, which says there is a real object created in the service.
$mailer: '@mailer'
$senderAddress: '%app.sender_address%'
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\TemplatedEmail;
class EmailerService
private $mailer;
private $sender;
public function __construct($mailer, $senderAddress)
$this->mailer = $mailer;
$this->sender = $senderAddress;
public function appMailer($mailParams)
$email = (new TemplatedEmail())
use App\Services\EmailerService;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
class MailerTest extends TestCase
public function testSimpleMessage()
$symfonyMailer = $this->createMock(MailerInterface::class);
$mailer = new EmailerService($symfonyMailer, '', '');
$mailParams = [
'view' => 'Email/non_user_forgotten_password.html.twig',
'context' => ['supportEmail' => ''],
'recipient' => '',
'subject' => 'Test message',
$email = $mailer->appMailer($mailParams);
$this->assertSame('Test message', $email->getSubject());
must return a TemplatedEmail
object so you can call getSubject()
on it. Currently it is returning nothing. Change it to:
public function appMailer($mailParams)
$email = (new TemplatedEmail())
return $email; // I added this line.