I would like to replace all the n/a
values in the below dataframe to unknown
It can be either scalar
or complex nested column
If it's a StructField column
I can loop through the columns and replace n\a
using WithColumn
But I would like this to be done in a generic way
inspite of the type
of the column
as I dont want to specify the column names explicitly as there are 100's in my case?
case class Bar(x: Int, y: String, z: String)
case class Foo(id: Int, name: String, status: String, bar: Seq[Bar])
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
Foo(123, "Amy", "Active", Seq(Bar(1, "first", "n/a"))),
Foo(234, "Rick", "n/a", Seq(Bar(2, "second", "fifth"),Bar(22, "second", "n/a"))),
Foo(567, "Tom", "null", Seq(Bar(3, "second", "sixth")))
df.show(20, false)
|id |name|status|bar |
|123|Amy |Active|[[1, first, n/a]] |
|234|Rick|n/a |[[2, second, fifth], [22, second, n/a]]|
|567|Tom |null |[[3, second, sixth]] |
Expected Output:
|id |name|status |bar |
|123|Amy |Active |[[1, first, unknown]] |
|234|Rick|unknown |[[2, second, fifth], [22, second, unknown]] |
|567|Tom |null |[[3, second, sixth]] |
Any suggestion on this?
If you like playing with RDDs, here's a simple, generic and evolutive solution :
val naToUnknown = {r: Row =>
def rec(r: Any): Any = {
r match {
case row: Row => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq.map(rec))
case seq: Seq[Any] => seq.map(rec)
case s: String if s == "n/a" => "unknown"
case _ => r
val newDF = spark.createDataFrame(df.rdd.map{naToUnknown}, df.schema)
Output :
|id |name|status |bar |
|123|Amy |Active |[[1, first, unknown]] |
|234|Rick|unknown|[[2, second, fifth], [22, second, unknown]]|
|567|Tom |null |[[3, second, sixth]] |