I have Data in two columns named 'Coefficient' and 'Density'. I could not make any correlation between them. But i need to make a equation (may be linear or polynominal) between them. I decided to filter and modify the 'coefficient' column influenced by 'Density' columns so that a smooth curve line can be drawn between them ('Coefficient' data being ordinate and 'Density' data being Abscissa). I would like to implement that in vb.net. But at first i would like to observe the data in excel. I do not know how Kalman filter works for two sets of data.
Here is my data
Coefficient Density
-5.495 115.143
-4.728 116.167
-4.617 116.282
-4.512 116.567
-4.352 117.219
-1.362 117.281
-1.220 117.333
-0.663 117.385
-0.589 117.571
-0.272 117.667
-0.230 117.844
0.008 117.945
0.265 119.652
0.280 119.800
0.313 120.000
0.644 120.182
0.806 120.867
1.060 120.867
1.164 121.267
1.266 121.462
1.345 121.800
1.379 121.857
1.379 122.692
1.536 122.800
1.588 122.909
1.626 124.429
1.715 125.300
1.909 126.000
2.174 126.300
2.844 126.778
3.063 127.273
4.638 128.727
5.262 129.286
5.428 130.857
6.123 131.625
6.553 136.875
Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Regards. Tariq
Here's the data plotted in LibreOffice Calc. As you can see, all of the data is grouped at small coefficients (magnitude less than 0.01) except for two points. There's no indication a Kalman filter will be of use here. If all of these datapoints are valid the best fit is going to be a line, and predicting density from the coefficient will be very noisy.