I am trying to increase variable value, but I get this error:
"UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment"
Can someone help me please?
input_filter: 'float'
font_size: 50
text: 'Please, input value of x1'
id: xval
multiline: False
on_touch_down: self.text = ''
text: 'Submit'
on_press: root.x_changer()
global x
x = 1
class TypeOfGeometryScr(Screen):
class SelectDemensionsScr(Screen):
def submit_dn(self):
global dn
dn = self.ids.demensions.text
class InputValuesScr(Screen):
def x_changer(self):
x = x
x += 1
self.ids.xval.text = 'Please, input value of x' + str(x)
This is happening becouse the global x
is in the global scope and not in the x_changer()
function lac scope. For solve this u need to move the global x
inside the local scope of the function
def x_changer(self):
global x
x = x
x += 1
self.ids.xval.text = 'Please, input value of x' + str(x)