Is there any way to search events with query string or API
Works for dates but I would like to search by name of the file / folder in the event.
I recently found recurring disappearance of files/folders and need to investigate when and who deleted them in shared folders.
The Dropbox API doesn't offer a way to list/retrieve events programmatically unfortunately, but I'll pass this along as a feature request.
The closest thing on the Dropbox API would be to process all of the entries from /2/files/list_folder[/continue] with path="" and recursive=true, and keep track of the server_modified values manually, but that would be more work and may not give you exactly the right values you're looking for.
(The Dropbox Business API does offer /2/team_log/get_events[/continue] but that's for the Dropbox Business activity log, and only available to Dropbox Business API apps connected to Dropbox Business teams.)