I have a Mason template running under mod_perl, which is using Log::Log4perl.
I want to change the log level of a particular appender, but changing the config is too awkward, as it would have to pass through our deployment process to go live.
Is there a way to change the log level of an appender at run-time, after Apache has started, without changing the config file, and then have that change affect any new Apache threads?
If you've imported the log level constants from Log::Log4perl::Level
, then you can do things like:
$logger->level($ERROR); # one of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
$logger->more_logging($delta); # Increase log level by $delta levels,
# a positive integer
$logger->less_logging($delta); # Decrease log level by $delta levels.
This is in the Changing the Log Level on a Logger section in the Log::Log4perl