I have a problem and I can not find a solution.
I have a graph like this:
I have function which return the graph like this:
data = {
'Finition': {
'Metal': {
'colorCorrect1': {
'Color': {
'aiLayerShader2': {
'colorConstant1': {},
'colorConstant3': {},
'colorConstant2': {
'aiFloatToRgba1': {
'place2dTexture1': {}
'colorConstant4': {},
'colorConstant5': {
'aiFloatToRgba1': {
'place2dTexture1': {}
'colorConstant6': {}
I have a list of main groups (Blues Nodes in the picture): `
selection = ['Finition', 'Metal', 'Color', 'colorConstant2']
I need a function that can return me the list of nodes (before the next group) for a specific group:
The return value should be like this:
['Metal', 'colorCorrect1'],
['Color', 'aiLayerShader2', 'colorConstant1', 'colorConstant3', 'colorConstant4', 'colorConstant5', 'colorConstant6', 'aiFloatToRgba1', 'place2dTexture1'],
['colorConstant2', 'aiFloatToRgba1', 'place2dTexture1']
I tried the following:
def search_recurssive(element=None, main={}, depth=0):
for key, value in main.items():
if key != element:
if isinstance(value, dict):
search_recurssive(element=element, main=value, depth=depth+1)
print depth
search_recurssive(element='Metal', main=data)
But it did not work. What can I try next?
Here is a rather inefficient method:
def getChildren(data,s):
global selection
res = [s]
for child in data[s].keys():
if child in selection:
res.extend(getChildren(data[s], child))
return res
def getDataPart(data,s):
for key in data.keys():
if key == s:
return data
res = getDataPart(data[key],s)
if res is not None:
return res
results = []
for s in selection:
data_part = getDataPart(data,s)