I'm trying to do something similar to this question: Google sheets using Filter and Sort together
I have an input range with two columns, and as output I want to create a dynamically sorted and filtered list from the input range, using a single formula.
See this document for the desired result: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/109xcbORFZxTjH0Vjd6PVqYlOxMIdK7aXqf5-jnMMPik/edit?usp=sharing
I tried the formula: =SORT(FILTER(B11:C100, B11:B100 = or(I11,I12,I13,I14)), 2, 0)
but it doesn't work. What I am doing wrong here? Any help much appreciated.
"where lower(B) matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, LOWER(I11:I))&"'
order by C desc", 0))