Creating a wearable Tizen .net application, I create an application that contains a CirclePage variable:
private CirclePage _mainPage;
I then populate its Content property with some Content:
_mainPage = new CirclePage
Content = new StackLayout
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
Children = {
new Label { HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, Text = "Text!" },
_mainPage.RotaryFocusObject = circleSlider;
MainPage = _mainPage;
At a later point I want to update that page giving it a CircleScrollView:
var circleScrollView = new CircleScrollView
Content = new StackLayout
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
Children =
new Label { Text = "scroll!" },
new Label { Text = "scroll!" }
_mainPage.Content = circleScrollView;
Everything is fine to this point. But say i want to update that List, I notice that after creation/initialization, there doesn't seem to be any methods to update the Children of the Content as Children are read only after created.
Do i need to create a new CircleScrollView and populate the Children each time my list changes? I suppose i do not have any concrete reason to believe this is inefficient, but other platforms such as apple and android devices seem to provide methods to insert/remove/ or otherwise update a view listing.
Im brand noob with tizen so i apologize in advance if this seems a vapid question
Try the following:
(circleScrollView.Content as StackLayout).Children.Add(...)
(circleScrollView.Content as StackLayout).Children.Remove(...)
Check the documentation for more.