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Python packaging of weakly dependent projects

I am trying to figure out a good way to package and deploy a number of python packages I created. Eventually, I would like to use some package repository for deployment or create some sort of setup script.

The structure of my project is as follows: I have two subprojects A and B that both use tools from another self-created package C. The tools in C are for internal use only and not of bigger interest to a general audience. However, A and B shall be deployed. I want that users can install A and B independently of each other, but I do not need/want to deploy C as standalone.

In the best case, I would like users to be able to install the packages with something along the lines of

pip install my_project.A


pip install my_project.B

Furthermore, in A, I would like to import C as follows:

import my_project.C

Would I have to package A, B, and C independently and work with install_requires in setuptools.setup? If all projects belong to a large "meta-project", is there a way I can bundle them together weakly while maintaining their general independence? (In my example, C contains "tools". I do not want to deploy a package with such a generic name. Would I then have to deploy it as my_project_tools?)

Is there a way so that all packages installed from that meta-package are installed in the same folder hierarchy while allowing the installation of separate components of that meta-package? There is a related answer here, but my problem differs in that there is the common dependency C.

I am new to packaging, so I appreciate answers that do not suppose too much background knowlege.

Additional info: I am using Python 3.7, and the program is not compatible with lower versions. It should run platform independently, though. Some modules require compilation and Cython.


  • Something like the following could be a solution, in which Nmspc could be considered the meta-project of Ping and Pong. It's not actually tested, so some tweaking will be needed.

    The directory tree might look like this:

    ├── NmspcCore
    │   ├── nmspc
    │   │   └── _core
    │   │       ├──
    │   │       └──
    │   └──
    ├── NmspcPing
    │   ├── nmspc
    │   │   └── ping
    │   │       ├──
    │   │       └──
    │   └──
    └── NmspcPong
        ├── nmspc
        │   └── pong
        │       ├──
        │       └──

    3 Python projects:

    • NmspcCore provides nmspc._core (the leading underscore denotes a private element) and should not be installed directly
    • NmspcPing provides and depends on NmspcCore
    • NmspcPong provides nmspc.pong and depends on NmspcCore

    They all make use of namespace packages. They can be designed according to the instructions from the Python Packaging User Guide on "Packaging namespace packages, Native namespace packages". There is another example here.


    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import setuptools


    MARCO = 'polo'

    NmspcPing/ (and similarly NmspcPong/

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import setuptools


    import nmspc._core

    An umbrella project Nmspc could also be considered. Such a project would be empty (no actual code), but would have NmspcPing and NmspcPong as direct dependencies, so that one could install the whole projects ensemble all at once.