I'm trying to set a cookie with the SameSite
header in a Tornado handler. I already looked at this answer and used the following monkeypatch:
from http.cookies import Morsel
Morsel._reserved["samesite"] = "SameSite"
Then, in a different file which imports the monkeypatch above, I'm trying to do the following in a handler class that extends RequestHandler
from tornado.web import RequestHandler
class UserHandler(RequestHandler):
async def login(self):
# Application logic....
self.set_secure_cookie("session_id", session_key, samesite: "None")
However, for some reason this doesn't work, and instead I'm getting an "invalid syntax" error.
Note that I'm using Python 3.7.4 and tornado
samesite: "None"
is not the way to pass keyword arguments to functions. You should use =
self.set_secure_cookie("session_id", session_key, samesite="None")