I have an existing SQL Server 2014 database and I want to add it to source control (SSDT in Visual Studio 2017).
I have a database project with lot's of views and stored procedures.
is current database.
Every view and stored procedure is written in the following way:
create view MyView
from MyDatabase..MyTable
".." means the default schema name here (dbo). And it works in SQL Server. But SSDT considers such a construct as an error:
View MyView has an unresolved reference to MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable.
So SSDT knows perfectly well, that database is MyDatabase
and skipped schema name is dbo
But I can't build my project with such errors. I can't also rewrite MyDatabase..MyTable
to MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable
So is there any way to solve this problem SSDT?
The 3-part name could be replaced as [$(DatabaseName)]..MyTable
select Id from MyDatabase..MyTable
select Id from [$(DatabaseName)]..MyTable
Using local 3-part names in programmability objects
While VSTS:DB does not support local 3 part names it does support the use of variables and literals to resolve references to external databases. The $(DatabaseName) variable is an ambient variable that will have its value replaced at the time of deployment. This variable gets its value from the project properties deployment tab. Since $(DatabaseName) is always replaced at deployment with the target database name and references through variables are resolved you may use a variable in your local 3-part names.
Our guidance is to not use local 3-part names as it introduces an unnecessary layer of abstraction and dependency on the database name