I have a config file and I want to change colors there. But in my view function background(bg1Color) gives me error;
Argument type 'UIColor' does not conform to expected type 'View'
How can I fix this?
My config file;
import UIKit
import Foundation
// Backgrounds
var bg1Color: UIColor = .black
My function codes;
.background(bg1Color) // HERE
modifier takes a View
and unlike SwiftUI's Color
, UIKit's UIColor
is not conformed to View
protocol (by default).
So you need to create a Color
from your UIColor
and then pass it to the .background
or directly:
and Color
predefined named colors are not the same! And they have different shades!
So you should NOT just replace UIColor
with Color
Actually SwiftIUI.Color.red
quals to UIKit.UIClor.systemRed