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Raku/Perl6: how do you code a NULL with NativeCall

 "As you may have predicted by now, a NULL pointer
 is represented by the type object of the struct type."

 LSTATUS RegQueryValueExW(
   HKEY    hKey,
   LPCWSTR lpValueName,
   LPDWORD lpReserved,
   LPDWORD lpType,
   LPBYTE  lpData,
   LPDWORD lpcbData

 This parameter is reserved and must be NULL.

With "native", how do I satisfy the "NULL" requirement?

constant WCHAR   := uint16;
constant DWORD   := int32;

sub RegQueryValueExW( DWORD, WCHARS, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD is rw, DWORD is rw ) is native("Kernel32.dll") returns DWORD { * };

$RtnCode = RegQueryValueExW( $Handle, $lpValueName, int32, REG_DWORD, $lpData, $lpcbData );

"int32" returns:

Cannot unbox a type object (int32) to int in method
CALL-ME at C:\rakudo\share\perl6\sources \947BDAB9F96E0E5FCCB383124F9
23A6BF6F8D76B (NativeCall) line 587

Many thanks, -T


  • JJ and Brad on the Perl6 mailing list were correct. For a NULL, just pass it a zero. I had a booboo somewhere else.