The title of the question may seem confusing but bear with me, I'll try to explain the problem as clearly as possible.
So I was just studying about the Liskov substitution principle from a course and the lecturer has given an example showing logical errors we can solve using this principle. Hence, the example shown below is the problem with the logical error.
(Note: Please read the whole question even if you don't know/find out this example has nothing to do with Liskov principle as I've mentioned that above. I've just kept this in question for reference, just in case someone bothers to answer that you're doing it the wrong way)
Rectangle is the parent class
class Rectangle
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public Rectangle()
public Rectangle(int width, int height)
Width = width;
Height = height;
public override string ToString()
return $"{nameof(Width)}: {Width}, {nameof(Height)}: {Height}";
Square class
class Square : Rectangle
public new int Width
set { base.Width = base.Height = value; }
public new int Height
set { base.Width = base.Height = value; }
Just a simple Caller
private void Caller()
Rectangle rc = new Square(); //Upcasting here
rc.Width = 4;
Console.WriteLine($"{rc}"); //Now here the o/p is **Width: 4, Height: 0** which is correct
//But when we use object initializer as shown below
Rectangle rcTwo = new Square { Width = 4 };
Console.WriteLine($"{rcTwo}"); //the o/p is **Width: 4, Height: 4**
Now aren't we just initializing the object in a different way? Why is the O/P supposed to differ in that case. I thought that object initializer is just an syntactical sugar when when we to create an object and initialize it's properties in comparison with the traditional approach.
You are right that it's syntactical sugar. But you have to think of the order of operations: assignment is done last, after all the operations on the right of the equals sign. So your second version with initialiser is the same as:
Square square = new Square();
square.Width = 4;
Rectangle rcTwo = square;