I have the following types:
type Foo = { Name : string}
type Bar = {Name : string}
And I have the following Quoted expression:
<@ fun (x : Foo) -> x.Name = "1" @>
Basically from this I would like to generate another quoted expression as:
<@ fun (x : Bar) -> x.Name = "1" @>
How can I do this?
OK I got the following solution :
let subst expression newType =
let newVar name = Var.Global(name,newType)
let rec substituteExpr expression =
match expression with
| Call(Some (ShapeVar var),mi,other) ->
Expr.Call(Expr.Var(newVar var.Name), newType.GetMethod(mi.Name),other)
| PropertyGet (Some (ShapeVar var) ,pi, _) ->
Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var( newVar var.Name), newType.GetProperty(pi.Name),[])
| ShapeVar var -> Expr.Var <| newVar var.Name
| ShapeLambda (var, expr) ->
Expr.Lambda (newVar var.Name, substituteExpr expr)
| ShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, exprList) ->
RebuildShapeCombination(shapeComboObject, List.map substituteExpr exprList)
substituteExpr expression
then I can do
let f = <@ fun (x : Foo) -> x.Name = "1" @>
let transformed = subst f typeof<Bar>
let typedExpression: Expr<Bar -> bool> = downcast <@ %%transformed @>