Im currently using a script in which has a flaw. It checks the HTML document for cases where paragraphs are wrapped with <p>
tags as follows:
-- If already starts with <p>, don't prepend another one
if not {oneParagraph starts with "<p>"} then
set newBodyText to newBodyText & "<p>"
end if
set newBodyText to newBodyText & oneParagraph
The problem here is that if the paragraph (or single line) is wrapped with any other HTML tag other than a <p>
tag the script wraps <p>
tags across the board.
Another portion of the script, which checks for ending tags at the end of the paragraph does pretty much the same thing.
-- If already ends with </p>, don't append another one
if not (oneParagraph ends with "</p>") then
set newBodyText to newBodyText & "</p>"
end if
set newBodyText to newBodyText & return
Foobar </h5>
Foobar </h5></p>
In another question Applescript and "starts with" operator, @lri was kind enough to provide me a solution related to it.
on startswith(txt, l)
repeat with v in l
if txt starts with v then return true
end repeat
end startswith
startswith("abc", {"a", "d", "e"}) -- true
and another of his recommendations can be found on this website as well Wrap lines with tags on applescript
Implementing these recommendations with is another issue for me.
I uploaded the entire script on pastebin. Pastebin:, wrap line with tags script
tell application "MarsEdit" to set txt to current text of document 1
set paras to paragraphs of txt
repeat with i from 1 to (count paras)
set v to item i of paras
ignoring white space
if not (v is "" or v starts with "<") then
set item i of paras to "<p>" & v & "</p>"
end if
end ignoring
end repeat
set text item delimiters to ASCII character 10
tell application "MarsEdit" to set current text of document 1 to paras as text
require 'appscript'; include Appscript
doc = app('MarsEdit').documents[0]
lines = doc.current_text.get.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n").split("\n")
for i in 0...lines.size
next if lines[i] =~ /^\s*$/ or lines[i] =~ /^\s*</
lines[i] = "<p>#{lines[i]}</p>"
These assume that anything starting with (white space and) <
is a tag.