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I have a problem with it when i use Powerlevel10k which is a theme for ZSH?

I have a problem with it when i use Powerlevel10k which is a theme for ZSH?



  • From the Powerlevel10k FAQ:

    Q: What do different symbols in Git status mean?

    When using Lean, Classic or Rainbow style, Git status may look like this:

    feature:master ⇣42⇡42 *42 merge ~42 +42 !42 ?42


    | Symbol  | Meaning                                                           | Source                                               |
    | --------| ------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------- |
    | feature | current branch; replaced with #tag or @commit if not on a branch  | git status                                           |
    | master  | remote tracking branch; only shown if different from local branch | git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u} |
    | ⇣42     | this many commits behind the remote                               | git status                                           |
    | ⇡42     | this many commits ahead of the remote                             | git status                                           |
    | *42     | this many stashes                                                 | git stash list                                       |
    | merge   | repository state                                                  | git status                                           |
    | ~42     | this many merge conflicts                                         | git status                                           |
    | +42     | this many staged changes                                          | git status                                           |
    | !42     | this many unstaged changes                                        | git status                                           |
    | ?42     | this many untracked files                                         | git status                                           |

    See also: How do I change the format of Git status?

    If you've created a Git repository at the root of your home directory to store dotfiles, you probably want to ignore untracked files in it. You can achieve this by executing the following command:

    git -C ~ config status.showuntrackedfiles no

    This will have several effects:

    • git status will be faster.
    • git status won't list 171 untracked files.
    • ?171 will disappear from your prompt.

    You can undo the above command with the following command:

    git -C ~ config --unset status.showuntrackedfiles

    if you don't want to see Git status in your prompt while in home directory, add this parameter to ~/.p10k.zsh:

    # Don't display Git status in prompt for Git repositories whose workdir matches
    # this pattern.

    If you don't want to see Git status in your prompt at all, remove vcs from POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS array in ~/.p10k.zsh.