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How to add a button on top of keyboard on IONIC4

I've been trying to add a "SUBMIT" button on top of the keyboard using Ionic4 but no luck so far. Is that possible?

I'm using the Ionic Native Keyboard Plugin and I've added the <preference name="KeyboardResize" value="false" /> on my config.xml

This is what I have in the bottom of my html

        <ion-button style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 5px; z-index: 2;" expand="full" type="submit">Submit Review</ion-button>

Also is there a way to make it so the keyboard can't be dismissed?



  • Just for reference in case someone has the same issue, the solution is to import KeyboardResizeMode on the component you have your keyboard.

    import { Keyboard, KeyboardResizeMode } from '@ionic-native/keyboard/ngx';
    constructor(private keyboard: Keyboard) {}
    // On the ngOnInit()
    ngOnInit() {

    You can't pass the setResizeMode as a string, even thou on the documentation says so, it needs to be as a property of KeyboardResizeMode.