I looked hard to see if this may be a duplicate question but couldn't find anything that addressed specifically this. My apologies if there actually is something.
So, I get how lift
works, it lifts a monadic action (fully defined) from the outer-most transformer into the transformed monad. Cool.
But what if I want to apply a (>>=)
from one level under the transformer into the transformer? I'll explain with an example.
Say MyTrans
is a MonadTrans
, and there is also an instance Monad m => Monad (MyTrans m)
. Now, the (>>=)
from this instance will have this signature:
instance Monad m => Monad (MyTrans m) where
(>>=) :: MyTrans m a -> (a -> MyTrans m b) -> MyTrans m b
but what I need is something like this:
(>>=!) :: Monad m => MyTrans m a -> (m a -> MyTrans m b) -> MyTrans m b
In general:
(>>=!) :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => t m a -> (m a -> t m b) -> t m b
It looks like a combination of the original (>>=)
and lift
, except it really isn't. lift
can only be used on covariant arguments of type m a
to transform them into a t m a
, not the other way around. In other words, the following has the wrong type:
(>>=!?) :: Monad m => MyTrans m a -> (a -> m b) -> MyTrans m b
x >>=!? f = x >>= (lift . f)
Of course a general colift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => t m a -> m a
makes absolutely zero sense, because surely the transformer is doing something that we cannot just throw away like that in all cases.
But just like (>>=)
introduces contravariant arguments into the monad by ensuring that they will always "come back", I thought something along the lines of the (>>=!)
function would make sense: Yes, it in some way makes an m a
from a t m a
, but only because it does all of this within t
, just like (>>=)
makes an a
from an m a
in some way.
I've thought about it and I don't think (>>=!)
can be in general defined from the available tools. In some sense it is more than what MonadTrans
gives. I haven't found any related type classes that offer this either. MFunctor
is related but it is a different thing, for changing the inner monad, but not for chaining exclusively transformer-related actions.
By the way, here is an example of why you would want to do this:
EDIT: I tried to present a simple example but I realized that that one could be solved with the regular (>>=)
from the transformer. My real example (I think) cannot be solved with this. If you think every case can be solved with the usual (>>=)
, please do explain how.
Should I just define my own type class for this and give some basic implementations? (I'm interested in StateT
, and I'm almost certain it can be implemented for it) Am I doing something in a twisted way? Is there something I overlooked?
EDIT: The answer provided by Fyodor matches the types, but does not do what I want, since by using pure
, it is ignoring the monadic effects of the m
monad. Here is an example of it giving the wrong answer:
Take t
= StateT Int
and m
= []
x1 :: StateT Int [] Int
x1 = StateT (\s -> [(1,s),(2,s),(3,s)])
x2 :: StateT Int [] Int
x2 = StateT (\s -> [(1,s),(2,s),(3,s),(4,s))])
f :: [Int] -> StateT Int [] Int
f l = StateT (\s -> if (even s) then [] else (if (even (length l)) then (fmap (\z -> (z,z+s)) l) else [(123,123)]))
runStateT (x1 >>= (\a -> f (pure a))) 1
returns [(123,123),(123,123),(123,123)]
as expected, since both 1
is odd and the list in x1
has odd length.
But runStateT (x2 >>= (\a -> f (pure a))) 1
returns [(123,123),(123,123),(123,123),(123,123)]
, whereas I would have expected it to return [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5)]
, since the 1
is odd and the length of the list is even. Instead, the evaluation of f
is happening on the lists [(1,1)]
, [(2,1)]
, [(3,1)]
and [(4,1)]
independently, due to the pure
This can be very trivially implemented via bind
+ pure
. Consider the signature:
(>>=!) :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => t m a -> (m a -> t m a) -> t m a
If you use bind
on the first argument, you get yourself a naked a
, and since m
is a Monad
, you can trivially turn that naked a
into an m a
via pure
. Therefore, the straightforward implementation would be:
(>>=!) x f = x >>= \a -> f (pure a)
And because of this, bind
is always strictly more powerful than your proposed new operation (>>=!)
, which is probably the reason it doesn't exist in the standard libraries.
I think it may be possible to propose more clever interpretations of (>>=!)
for some specific transformers or specific underlying monads. For example, if m ~ []
, one might imagine passing the whole list as m a
instead of its elements one by one, as my generic implementation above would do. But this sort of thing seems too specific to be implemented in general.
If you have a very specific example of what you're after, and you can show that my above general implementation doesn't work, then perhaps I can provide a better answer.
Ok, to address your actual problem from the comments:
I have a function
f :: m a -> m b -> m c
that I want to transform into a functionff :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m c
I think looking at this example may illustrate the difficulty better. Consider the required signature:
liftish :: Monad m => (m a -> m b -> m c) -> StateT m a -> StateT m b -> StateT m c
Presumably, you'd want to keep the effects of m
that are already "imprinted" within the StateT m a
and StateT m b
parameters (because if you don't - my simple solution above will work). To do this, you can "unwrap" the StateT
via runStateT
, which will get you m a
and m b
respectively, which you can then use to obtain m c
liftish f sa sb = do
s <- get
let ma = fst <$> runStateT sa s
mb = fst <$> runStateT sb s
lift $ f ma mb
But here's the trouble: see those fst <$>
in there? They are throwing away the resulting state. The call to runStateT sa s
results not only in the m a
value, but also in the new, modified state. And same goes for runStateT sb s
. And presumably you'd want to get the state that resulted from runStateT sa
and pass it to runStateT sb
, right? Otherwise you're effectively dropping some state mutations.
But you can't get to the resulting state of runStateT sa
, because it's "wrapped" inside m
. Because runStateT
returns m (a, s)
instead of (m a, s)
. If you knew how to "unwrap" m
, you'd be fine, but you don't. So the only way to get that intermediate state is to run the effects of m
liftish f sa sb = do
s <- get
(c, s'') <- lift $ do
let ma = runStateT sa s
(_, s') <- ma
let mb = runStateT sb s'
(_, s'') <- mb
c <- f (fst <$> ma) (fst <$> mb)
pure (c, s'')
put s''
pure c
But now see what happens: I'm using ma
and mb
twice: once to get the new states out of them, and second time by passing them to f
. This may lead to double-running effects or worse.
This problem of "double execution" will, I think, show up for any monad transformer, simply because the transformer's effects are always wrapped inside the underlying monad, so you have a choice: either drop the transformer's effects or execute the underlying monad's effects twice.