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Scalable site in parts

I'm trying to make a scalable site where the basic logic is illustrated on this example:

The amount of purple boxes in the middle changes whenever you resize your browser window.

But is there a way of making the green "logo" box in the top follow the width of these boxes like illustrated on this picture:

So if there is 7 visible purple boxes in the first row, the green box should have the same width as theese - and the width of 10 boxes if there is 10 visible in the first row

Is it possible to do that, perhaps using jquery? I know I can use "width:100&" on the green box, but that doesnt follow the exact width of the purple boxes then :/


  • Here is a script that should do what you want :

    function adaptTitleWidth() {
        // reset default style
        // get the first row of boxes (the first box and the boxes having the same offset().top
        firstRowBoxes = $(".box").filter(function() {
            return $(this).offset().top === $(".box:first").offset().top;
            // changes the first row of boxes background to blue
        // changing .logo.width() : number of boxes on the first row * outer width of the boxes, margin included - the last margin-right
        $(".logo").width(firstRowBoxes.length * $(".box:first").outerWidth(true) - parseInt($(".box:first").css("margin-right")));
    $(function() {
        window.onresize = function(event) {

    jsBin example here