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Why the jekyll is not running?

Hello I have a problem with my blog homepage ( does not work, but normal posts such as ( do work.

I don't even know what the problem is.
I suspect that it's a problem with index but I don't know exactly.
Someone knows maybe for what it does not work?


  • Your IgorKowalczyk/blog/ uses paginator.posts, which should be working only in HTML files, not md (markdown files).

    The categories/offtop.html is an HTML file, properly rendered/generated by Jekyll.

    • The pagination logic should not sit inside the content files (e.g. individual post or document files). It belongs in the layout files.
    • If you place markdown code into your layout or include files you will have to explicitly pass it through the markdownify filter.

    My recommendation is to keep your content (e.g. blog posts) in .md files (which will only contain markdown syntax) and everything dealing with the structure of your site in .html files (which will only include HTML syntax).

    The OP MAJO mentions in the comments having to restore the right content for the index.html file: commit ac2ad43