For the last layer, the output must be calculated as ( (H21*w1)*(H22*w2)*(H23*w3))
, where H21,H22,H23
will be the outcome of Hidden layer 2, and w1,w2,w3
will be constant weight which are not trainable. So how to write a lambda function for the above outcome
def product(X):
return X[0]*X[1]
keras_model = Sequential()
input_dim=75,activation='tanh',name="layer1" ))
keras_model.add(Dense(3 ,activation='tanh',name="layer2" ))
cross1=keras_model.add(Lambda(lambda x:product,output_shape=(1,1)))([layer2,layer3])
NameError: name 'layer2' is not defined
Use the functional API model
inputs = Input((75,)) #shape (batch, 75)
output1 = Dense(75, activation='tanh',name="layer1" )(inputs) #shape (batch, 75)
output2 = Dense(3 ,activation='tanh',name="layer2" )(output1) #shape (batch, 3)
output3 = Dense(1,name="layer3")(output2) #shape (batch, 1)
cross1 = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] * x[1])([output2, output3]) #shape (batch, 3)
model = Model(inputs, cross1)
Please notice that the shapes are totally different from what you expect.