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How do I get the price from the body key using NodeJS coinbase pro api

How do I get the price from the body key using NodeJS coinbase pro api? I am trying to get the price from the body key using the api command


Below is what I have so far, but I don't know how to parse the price from the body key.

   const CoinbasePro = require('coinbase-pro');
   const publicClient = new CoinbasePro.PublicClient();

        publicClient.getProductTicker('ETH-USD', function(err, obj) {
        console.log('ETH-USD it worked');

        console.log('Start of Entries\n');
        console.log('End of Entries \n');
        console.log('Start of keys\n');
        console.log('End of keys \n');


Below is the output. I am trying to get the price from the body key.

  _ended: true,
  _callbackCalled: true
[ 'toJSON', [Function: responseToJSON] ],
[ 'caseless', Caseless { dict: [Object] } ],

End of Entries

Start of keys

 '_readableState',   'readable',
 '_events',          '_eventsCount',
 '_maxListeners',    'socket',
 'connection',       'httpVersionMajor',
 'httpVersionMinor', 'httpVersion',
 'complete',         'headers',
 'rawHeaders',       'trailers',
 'rawTrailers',      'aborted',
 'upgrade',          'url',
 'method',           'statusCode',
 'statusMessage',    'client',
 '_consuming',       '_dumped',
 'req',              'request',
 'toJSON',           'caseless',

End of keys


  • You need to parse the body as it is coming as string. I am not sure if toJson method could also be used or not but worth trying. try this.

    const CoinbasePro = require("coinbase-pro");
    const publicClient = new CoinbasePro.PublicClient();
    publicClient.getProductTicker("ETH-USD", function(err, obj) {
      const parsedBody = JSON.parse(obj.body);
      const price = parsedBody.price;