Is there a way to deal with apostrophes/multiples quotes in a SQL oracle string?
I tried with listagg
but only able to add the commas but not the apostrophes/multiples quotes.
The goal is to add the users in another SQL Table
-> IN Operator
select LISTAGG(username, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY username) "USERNAME" from user
Current output: james, arthur, peter, gina, lehner
Goal: 'james', 'arthur', 'peter', 'gina', 'lehner'
Any suggestions?
The simplest solution is to add the apostrophes in the delimiter and add a leading and trailing apostroph
select ''''||listagg(username,q'[', ']') within group (order by username)||'''' as txt from names
'ames', 'arthur', 'gina', 'lehner', 'peter'