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Non annotation argument to lifecycle method with descriptor

I am adding Maven build capability to an existing OSGI 7 project. It builds just fine with bnd within Eclipse, and with Gradle. But I am getting the following error when building with Maven:

[ERROR] /Users/randy/projects/xyz/src/ [0:0]: Non annotation argument to lifecycle method with descriptor (Lorg/osgi/service/transaction/control/TransactionControl;Lorg/osgi/service/transaction/control/jdbc/JDBCConnectionProvider;)V,  type org/osgi/service/transaction/control/TransactionControl
[ERROR] /Users/randy/projects/xyz/src/ [0:0]: Non annotation argument to lifecycle method with descriptor (Lorg/osgi/service/transaction/control/TransactionControl;Lorg/osgi/service/transaction/control/jdbc/JDBCConnectionProvider;)V,  type org/osgi/service/transaction/control/jdbc/JDBCConnectionProvider

The offending code is as follows, specifically the constructor method with the @Activate annotation:

@Component(property = {
public class ConsumerChannelDaoImpl implements ConsumerChannelDao
    private final TransactionControl _transactionControl;
    private Connection _connection;

    public ConsumerChannelDaoImpl(@Reference TransactionControl txControl, @Reference(name = "provider") JDBCConnectionProvider provider)
        _transactionControl = txControl;
        _connection = provider.getResource(txControl);

My pom.xml has the following dependencies:


I'm at a loss as to what is causing this issue. Some thoughts on how to resolve when building an OSGi 7 project with Maven is appreciated.

Thanks, Randy


  • BJ Hargrave had pointed out I was using an older version of bnd-maven-plugin. Updating to v4.3.1 did the trick.
