I try to send data throw qtcpsocket and use QByteArray. I send previosly size of data and try convert to int like this QByteArray to Int conversion. But always get 0. Code convertion example:
QString ss = "bca";
int aaa;
QByteArray b;
QDataStream stream(&b, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
stream << ss.toUtf8().size();
stream >> aaa;
In this example aaa is always 0, but ss.toUtf8().size() isnt. What im doing wrong?
QString ss = "bca";
int aaa;
QByteArray b;
QDataStream stream(&b, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
stream << ss.toUtf8().size();
stream.device().seek(0); // add this code
stream >> aaa;
The inner pointer of QByteArray is at the end, so nothing can be read.