Search code examples

Find tables with specific criteria - Oracle 12c

How to find tables in a schema that start with NUM_ whose data is more than 0 records.

Eg: Consider I'm a couple of schemas

  1. Schema1
  2. Schema2
  3. Schema3

Schema1 has tables:

  • NUM_table11 (has 0 records)
  • NUM_table12 (has 20 records)
  • DummyTable1 (has 10 records)

Schema2 has tables:

  • NUM_table21 (has 0 records)
  • NUM_table22 (has 20 records)
  • DummyTable2 (has 10 records)

Schema3 has tables:

  • NUM_table31 (has 0 records)
  • NUM_table32 (has 20 records)
  • DummyTable3 (has 10 records)

I want to get only Schema2 tables, whose name starts with NUM_ and has more than 0 records. i.e, in this case NUM_table22

Can anyone help on achieving this?


  • I don't have your tables (and don't feel like creating ones either), so I'll show it on another example - looking for the EMP tables throughout my database.

    Connect as a privileged user, the one that has access to DBA_TABLES (as you want to search all users, right?). One of those is SYS, if you don't have any other.

    Then write a PL/SQL block which looks into the DBA_TABLES, searches for tables whose name begins with EMP. Dynamic SQL (i.e. execute immediate) counts rows in those tables and - if it is a positive number - returns that table as an output.

    SQL> show user
    USER is "SYS"
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    l_cnt number;
      3  begin
      4    for cur_r in (select owner, table_name
      5                  from dba_tables
      6                  where table_name like 'EMP%'
      7                 )
      8    loop
      9      execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || cur_r.owner ||'.'||
     10                         cur_r.table_name into l_cnt;
     11      if l_cnt > 0 then
     12         dbms_output.put_line(cur_r.owner ||'.'|| cur_r.table_name ||' = ' || l_cnt);
     13      end if;
     14    end loop;
     15  end;
     16  /
    HR.EMPLOYEES = 107
    SCOTT.EMP = 14
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    In my databases, there are two such tables:

    • one is owned by HR, its name is EMPLOYEES and contains 107 rows
    • another one is owned by SCOTT, its name is EMP and contains 14 rows

    I believe that you shouldn't have any problems in adjusting that code to your needs.

    I'm not sure why would you want to search only through schema2; in that case, it is simpler to connect as schema2 and do the same job using user_tables (or all_tables) (so you don't have to connect as a privileged user).

    Or, if you want to pick the user within that code, you'd add yet another condition into the where clause (line #6):

    and owner = 'SCHEMA2'