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artisan not found when migrate with heroku

I deployed the laravel app to heroku. Running migrate gives me an error.

heroku run 'php artisan migrate' --app heroku-app-name


Could not open input file: artisan

"ls" was executed to investigate the cause.

vagrant@homestead:~/code$ heroku run --app heroku-app-name "ls"
 ›   Warning: heroku update available from 7.30.1 to 7.35.1.
Running ls on ⬢ heroku-app-name... up, run.1296 (Free)
Procfile  code  composer.json  index.php  vendor

The project is a laravel app. I think the difference in this directory is the cause of the error.
But I don't know how to fix it.


  • Let's try this:

    heroku run /app/php/bin/php /app/www/artisan migrate --app heroku-app-name

    In the above command, artisan file will be located at the root location of your Laravel project so replace '/app/www/artisan' by 'project root path'/artisan