I would like to know how can we use K-Means to cluster the SOM Neurons.
Say I have a raw data of shape (1024 x 10) Number of neurons is 400 (20 x 20) Shape of U-Matrix is (20 x 20) How would I cluster the neurons using K-means?
Any idea to cluster the SOM neurons using K-Means would be so valuable?
The idea is that each data points will be associated to a node of SOM. And then, nodes of SOM (called codebook) will be clustered using K-means. Finally, data points get their cluster labels indirectly via the label of their corresponding bmus. Look at this paper as it explains the underlying ideas:
But also there are other ways, not yet implemented in SOMPY: http://rongjunqin.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/2/3/23230064/a_new_algorithm_for_hierarchical_u.pdf