Search code examples

Distinct one column return selected columns and order by date desc using sybase

Hi Guys i have a problem on how im going to distinct single column and return selected column

Ac_no ord_status order_no
12334    PL         1
12334    ML         2
12334    CL         3
64543    PL         1
65778    JL         6
83887    CL         4
83887    KL         3

Ac_no ord_statu sorder_no
12334    CL        3
64543    PL        1
65778    JL        6
83887    CL        4

i want to see that result

here is my sample or code but unfortunately the code didnt work in sybase

SELECT Ac_no, ord_status, order_no select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Ac_no order by ord_status)rm from wo_order)x where x = 1


  • It appears that you want to display, for each Ac_no group of records, the single record having the lowest ord_status. You were on the right track, but you need to restrict the subquery using the alias you defined for the row number:

    SELECT Ac_no, ord_status, order_no
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Ac_no ORDER BY ord_status) rn
        FROM wo_order
    ) t
    WHERE rn = 1;

    Here is a version which should run on your version of Sybase, even without using ROW_NUMBER:

    SELECT w1.Ac_no, w1.ord_status, w1.order_no
    FROM wo_order w1
        SELECT Ac_no, MIN(ord_status) AS min_ord_status
        FROM wo_order
        GROUP BY Ac_no
    ) w2
        ON w1.Ac_no = w2.Ac_no AND
           w1.ord_status = w2.min_ord_status;