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How to do induction on the end of a list in Coq

In the standart way I have induction for list like this

  • Approval is performed for lst
  • Proving for x::lst

But I want:

  • Approval is performed for lst
  • Proving for lst ++ x::nil

For me, the place of x in the list is important.

I tried to write something like this, but not successful.


  • In such case, you need to prove your own induction principle. But here you're lucky because what you need is already in the standard library of Coq:

    Require Import List.
    Check rev_ind.
         : forall (A : Type) (P : list A -> Prop),
           P nil ->
           (forall (x : A) (l : list A), P l -> P (l ++ x :: nil)) ->
           forall l : list A, P l