I was looking to create a save system in Godot for my game and as I'm not that adept at coding, the only method I could make sense of was writing the data in config files.
The following code is on a Singleton script called save_system.gd
. It saves and loads the value of one variable array inventory.inventory_ingredients
as follows -
var save_path = "res://Saves/save-file.cfg";
var config= ConfigFile.new()
var load_response = config.load(save_path)
func saveValue(section,key):
func loadValue(section,key):
inventory.inventory_ingredients = config.get_value(section, key, inventory.inventory_ingredients)
In the start of my game, I have a "Load Game" button that loads the array as follows -
func _on_Load_pressed():
save_system.loadValue("Inventory", "ingredients")
When I trigger the save function, the following script is used -
Everything so far runs perfectly - like I want it to. But, I would like to expand the number of variables that are saved. To do the same bit of code for every variable separately in every scene in quite a lengthy task and would require huge lines of code. How do I minimize the number of lines, and perhaps a bunch 2-3 variables saved at one go from a node? I would prefer a method that would use the "cfg" method that I have used.
For example, I have a node with 3 variables (x,y,z) that I want to be saved in the following way. Currently, the only method I know to do this is to to do this manually as -
and a similar method for loading. I want to avoid this. What do I do?
JSON is well-known standard for serializing data, and Godot provides standard library functions to work with JSON.
extends Node
func load_save() -> Dictionary:
var f := File.new()
f.open("user://save.json", File.READ)
var result := JSON.parse(f.get_as_text())
if result.error:
printerr("Failed to parse save file: ", f.error_string)
return result.result as Dictionary
func save(data: Dictionary):
var f := File.new()
f.open("user://save.json", File.WRITE)
prints("Saving to", f.get_path_absolute())
func _ready():
"inventory": {
"ingredients": ["apple", "pear"],
"items": ["spoon", "fork"]
"stats": {
"health": 10,
"experience": 20,
We're writing the save file to a user path, which is a platform-specific location appropriate for application data.
JSON can be used to save arbitrarily complex data as long as it consists of primitive data types supported by JSON (string
, number
, dict
, array
, true
, false
, null