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Single HttpClient for application life cycle - How does this single instance of HttpClient ensures that it has responded to correct request?

I have created a single instance of HttpClient in Application_Start event to be reused accross the application in Global.asax.cs

Code in App start:

    protected new void Application_Start()
    HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
    string _accessTokenUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KongAccessTokenURl"];
    string _adminUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KongAdminUrl"];
    ApplicationWrapper.KongAdminClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)
        BaseAddress = new Uri(_adminUrl)

Here ApplicationWrapper.KongAdminClient is a static property.

I have developed a login API and within that api i Invoke Kong gateway api to generate token so that i can create a response with that token for that particular user.

For above purpose i create a new HttpRequestMessage for each request but HttpClient remains same as Microsoft says ..

HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads

My question is that with this same intance how will HttpClient know which thread to respond to ? will this same instance respond appropriately to correct requesting thread under load conditions?


  • Think about it this way. When you are using the Math.Round function, you are effectively just calling a function that does something - in this case rounding - based on a specific input.

    It might have some constants and other values reused, but they don't change in a way that affects other calls.

    So when you use code like GetAsync you are just calling a method that gets some input and returns a value.