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Angular: Chained two-way property bind

I am trying to extend 3rd party component with some custom functionality by wrapping it into custom component.

But I am having issues with property binding - how do I create two-way property bind between parent, wrapper, and 3rd party component? (A chained-two-way bind property :)

So simplified html template would look like this

<someCompotentToExtend [(ngModel)]="wrapProperty"></someCompotentToExtend>

export class WrapperComponent{

and in parent component i would do something like this

<wrapper-component [(wrapProperty)]="parentProperty"></<wrapper-component>

export class ParentComponent{

Changing any of these properties should update all other binded properties?

I ran a bunch of the test, i came close to solutions in these two examples but its too hacky and not working properly in the end

First solution

Using @Input @Output in wrapper component or on model change event. Wrapper component has a intermediary property, for example, wrapProperty which is bind to 3d party component or listening for changes. This will kindaaa work. In my case it is not what I want because after wrapper updates parent, parent will update wrapper component :??? :)

export class WrappedComponentComponent {

  @Input() set propertyFromParent(value: string) {    
    this.wrapProperty= value;
  @Output() propertyFromParentChange= new EventEmitter();

Second solution

Using this framework ngx-context. It is really cool, creates a temporary local provider service through which you can share data. But it requires additional syntax when calling wrapper component and I need something that is more encapsulate.

It it possible to create a chained two-way binding system of properties? Thank you, any help is appreciated


  • Here is a working solution

    I accidentally made an error and used [(ngModel)] instead of separating them into [ngModel] and (ngModelChange). Separating allowed to have a better control of properties and avoid that extra update event i was receiving.