I'm trying to send markdown messages in slack using SlackBot
but I'm unable to find the documentation, All I got is this:
response = client.chat_postMessage(
...: channel='#testing-bot',
...: text="Hello world! <@USerID> \n\n - a \n-b"
...: )
I want to send MArkdown MEssages, instead of the text one I tried:
...: channel='#testing-bot',
...: mkdwn="Hello world! <@UNVD64N02> \n\n - a \n-b"
...: )
but didn't work. Help
You need to send in the channel id (it will be alpha-numeric string) in instead of channel name (#testing-bot).
Update: You can also use block kit which is a UI framework for slack apps. It comes with a block kit builder which can be used for real-time view of block code. Added the references below for both.
response = client.chat_postMessage(
channel="", # channel ID
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Hello world! <@UNVD64N02> :tada: \n\n - a \n-b"