How to communicate between dynamic textbox that without id .
In normal case we can have some of the event name onchange
and etc
. but in dynamic component. We don't have that key (id) to link it. Like onchange$id
then do something "".
so in dynamic component case , how to get value from dynamic component? Please provide idea.
since your question isn't very precise (about how you create those components dynamicall - java or zul templates) here the 2 basic methods:
from java code:
after creating a new component just add an event listener programmatically, no need for any convention based method names.
//create dynamically anywhere
Textbox someInput = new Textbox();
someInput.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHANGE, this::onChangeSomeInput);
//someInput.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHANGE, (InputEvent event) -> {...});
public void onChangeSomeInput(InputEvent event) {
Textbox someInput = event.getTarget();
from zul code:
in this case event forwarding is the tool of choice, it lets you delegate the event to a parent component with an id
<grid id="mygrid">
<template name="model">
<textbox forward="onChange=mygrid.onChangeSomeInput(${each})"/>
then you can implement a composer method like this
public void onChangeSomeInput$mygrid(ForwardEvent forwardEvent) {
InputEvent event = (InputEvent)forwardEvent.getOrigin();
Object each = forwardEvent.getData();
(I wrote this code our of my head so please excuse typos/errors, I'll be happy to provide running examples in case you specify your question)