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Getting user follower's on Twitter from the end of the "list"

Unfortunately the process of getting the followers of a user failed somewhere in the middle (400k or so followers in total). I was wondering if there was any way to start this process from the other side of the spectrum, i.e. from the end of the list. As explained here, currently the results are ordered with the most recent following first. Is it possible to start the process from the end of this list (since I already got the first half)? The above-mentioned documentation page doesn't indicate anything but I thought I'd ask once.


  • As you can see from the documentation that you linked, the GET followers/list endpoint does not accept any parameters that would change the order of the results. This isn't something Twitter's API supports.

    If you have the previous_cursor or next_cursor for your last page of results, you can pass that to the endpoint as the cursor parameter to continue where you left off.