I have my windows forms application with WindowsAPICodePack
but i don't know where should I put the package in the release folder, and without it the program just gives me an error (it's in Hungarian so I don't think anybody can understand, but it said that it can't find the windowsAPICodePack
, the version number, culture and publickeytoken) on another PC, on mine it works.
Depending on if your application is using a packages.config file to manage packages or if your project is using package references (PackageReference) will determine path to solution.
When a package is installed it records the package identifier and version into the project file or packages.config file in your solution workspace.
Here are some links to help you config the correct setup for your approach:
Package reference via project files
if using - Packages.config settings
Config setting for Nuget NuGet settings
Note: for simplicity if this is just a school project then just remove all NuGet packages references and find the dll . Then just add reference to dll and check the property to include in output . This will give you a simple folder with all the files needed to run your app from pen-drive