I have this Multiindex,
Product Date col1
A 2019-10-31 5
2019-11-30 7
B 2019-10-31 2
2019-11-30 4
C 2019-10-31 7
2019-11-30 3
I want to change it into this:
Product Date col1
A September 2019 5
October 2019 7
B September 2019 2
October 2019 4
C September 2019 7
October 2019 3
I tried, but it didn't work.
nested_df.index.levels[1] = pd.to_datetime(nested_df.index.levels[1]).strftime('%B')
I got this error.
TypeError: 'FrozenList' does not support mutable operations.
You can't change a frozen list, instead just re-set the whole index:
df.index = df.index.set_levels([df.index.levels[0], df.index.levels[1].strftime('%B %Y')])