I am developing an app based on netsuite suitetalk api for webservices, specifically for search. I am able to search for custom multiselectfield using the soap api. Multiselect internalId is 16. Sample below
<core:customField xsi:type="core:SearchMultiSelectCustomField" internalId="16" operator="anyOf">
<core:searchValue internalId="1">
However when I use the same api, with internalId 5690, it says it is not valid, this is the soap api. 5690 represents a select custom field as opposed to a multi select custom field
<core:customField xsi:type="core:SearchMultiSelectCustomField" internalId="5690" operator="anyOf">
<core:searchValue internalId="1">
This is the result
<platformCore:status isSuccess="false">
<platformCore:statusDetail type="ERROR">
<platformCore:message>custentity41 is not a valid search custom field</platformCore:message>
what is the operation used to search custom selectfield in netsuite via soap. Is it exposed ? I can do this from netsuite UI. But not finding a way to do it from soap
I always use SuiteScript inside NetSuite, so I'm not 100% on this... But, I'd say the issue is that you are looking for "core:SearchMultiSelectCustomField" on the Select call. Shouldn't that be changed to "core:SearchSelectCustomField" instead?