I'm trying to create several batch tasks from the Powershell script and looking for how specifying User Identity. Dotnet core APIs support this specifying, but nothing for Azure-CLI.
When I run a script below I get an error from my PowerShell script, which says that there are not enough permissions to perform this action:
az batch account login -g $resourceGroup -n $batchAccountName
az batch task create --job-id $BatchJobId `
--task-id "DeployIdHere" `
--command-line $cmdCommand `
--account-name $batchAccountName `
--debug `
--verbose `
--output table
I assumed to find something like --elevation-level Admin
but seems I don't get how it should look likes in common.
You could use --json-file
flag to create a task with specifying User Identity in the command az batch task create --job-id myjobtest --json-file .\task.json
For format, see https://github.com/Azure/azure-docs-cli-python-samples/blob/master/batch/run-job/tasks.json
You also could add multiple tasks with the admin. A task JSON file will be something like this:
"id": "mytasktest123",
"commandLine": "/bin/bash -c \"sudo ls\"",
"waitForSuccess": true,
"userIdentity": {
"autoUser": {
"elevationLevel": "admin",
"scope": "pool"
"userName": null
Let me know if you need further help.