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Asp.Net Core - Azure AD SignOut page Branding

I'm developing an application with Asp.Net Core 3 and I'm using the Azure Active Directory for authentication/authorization with Microsoft.Identity.Web (now a Nuget Package)

I was able to setup the branding of almost all the login/logout pages:

enter image description here

But I'm not able to configure it for the Sign Out page:

enter image description here

Do I need to change the link in the Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml? I tried to add the ?whr=custom_domain as it was suggested in the documentation but it doesn't work:

<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="AzureAD" asp-controller="Account" asp-action="SignOut" asp-route-whr="*my*domain*.it">Sign out</a>

Here the generated link: link_hover

+++ Edit +++

This is still in rolling-out phase:

+++ Edit 08/07/2020+++ The issue (in the link above) was removed, was it resolved or was the feature deprecated?


  • To make the answer visible to others, I'm adding an answer shared in question.


    This feature is currently in Rolling out status.

    enter image description here
