I'm developing an application with Asp.Net Core 3 and I'm using the Azure Active Directory for authentication/authorization with Microsoft.Identity.Web (now a Nuget Package)
I was able to setup the branding of almost all the login/logout pages:
But I'm not able to configure it for the Sign Out page:
Do I need to change the link in the Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml
I tried to add the ?whr=custom_domain
as it was suggested in the documentation but it doesn't work:
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="AzureAD" asp-controller="Account" asp-action="SignOut" asp-route-whr="*my*domain*.it">Sign out</a>
+++ Edit +++
This is still in rolling-out phase:
+++ Edit 08/07/2020+++ The issue (in the link above) was removed, was it resolved or was the feature deprecated?
To make the answer visible to others, I'm adding an answer shared in question.
This feature is currently in Rolling out status.