I'm working on a function
createTypeBoard :: (Int, Int) -> CellType -> Board
using these types
newtype Board = Board [(Cell, CellType)] deriving(Eq)
data CellType = Mine
| Flag
| Void
| Enumerated Int
| Undiscovered
deriving Eq
type Cell = (Int, Int)
createTypeBoard (2,2) Mine should be: Board [((1,1), X), ((1,2), X), ((2,1), X), ((2,2), X)]
(X is the show instance of Mine)
my idea was to use zip:
createTypeBoars (a, b) c = zip (createCells (a, b)) [c]
but I keep getting an error
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Board’
with actual type ‘[(Cell, CellType)]’
• In the expression: zip (createCells (a, b)) [Flag]
In an equation for ‘createTypeBoard’:
createTypeBoard (a, b) Flag = zip (createCells (a, b)) [Flag]
Board basically is [(Cell, CellType)] so I don't really get what the problem is :(
You declared Board
with newtype
, but you're trying to use it as if you declared it with type
. Two choices to fix it:
like this instead: type Board = [(Cell, CellType)]
data constructor in createTypeBoard
, like this: createTypeBoard (a, b) c = Board $ zip (createCells (a, b)) [c]
For more information on the difference between type
and newtype
, which may affect your decision on which fix to go with, see Haskell type vs. newtype with respect to type safety and/or The difference between type and newtype in Haskell.