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Qt Quick - How to use a c++ class inheriting from QQuickPaintedItem in a qml interface?

I'm newbie with Qt 5.13.0. In a Visual Studio 2019 project, I need to display a custom painted item inherited from the QQuickPaintedItem class in a qml interface. The custom item is written in a c++ class named WQTMessageItem, which is declared as follow:

class WQTMessageItem : public QQuickPaintedItem
    Q_PROPERTY(bool rightAligned READ isRightAligned WRITE setRightAligned NOTIFY rightAlignedChanged)

        void rightAlignedChanged();

        WQTMessageItem(QQuickItem* parent = 0);

        void paint(QPainter* painter);

        bool isRightAligned();
        void setRightAligned(bool rightAligned);

        bool m_RightAligned;

On the c++ side, I'm trying to declare the above class to the qml engine this way:

QQmlContext* pContext = engine.rootContext();
std::unique_ptr<WQTMessageItem> pMessageItem(new WQTMessageItem());
pContext->setContextProperty("WQTMessageItem", pMessageItem.get());

And finally, I'm trying to use the above custom item in a ListView declared in a qml file, this way:

    anchors.bottomMargin: 2
    id: balloonView

    delegate: WQTMessageItem
        anchors.right: index % 2 == 0 ? undefined : parent.right
        height: 60
        rightAligned: index % 2 == 0 ? false : true
        width: balloonWidth

    model: balloonModel
    spacing: 5
    width: parent.width

Unfortunately this doesn't work. My application compiles and links, but closes immediately on running, with the following error message:

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:33 WQTMessageItem is not a type

I tried to find a solution by myself, without success. Can someone explain me how I should modify my above code to allow it to work?


  • You have to register the C++ type in the QML system using the qmlRegisterType function.
    An example may be found here.

    The setContextProperty method is intended to export a value (not a type) from C++ to QML.