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Angular CDK drag drop with mat tab group vertical

So i created mat tab group that currently only work for tabs, but sub -tabs have problem that i will show you in gif. Only 1, 2 sub tab can't be drag and dropped on them all other cases are working.

I tried everything, clear css change css but nothing is working, always event container and previousContainer are same -> that dragged element.

<mat-tab-group vertical flex="1" class="vertical-mat-tab" #matGroupSubTab >
  <mat-tab *ngFor = "let subtab of arraySubtabs; let index = index">
    <ng-template matTabLabel>
      <div class="dropBox" [id]="'list-'+index" 
        <div cdkDragBoundary=".mat-tab-labels" cdkDrag>{{ }}</div>   
  getAllListSubTabConnections (index) {
    const connections = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.arraySubtabs.length; i++) {
      if (i !== index) {
        connections.push('list-' + i);
    return connections;

  dropSubTab (event: CdkDragDrop<string[]>) {
    const previousIndex = parseInt('list-',''), 10);
    const newIndex = parseInt('list-',''), 10);
    if (!Number.isNaN(previousIndex) && !Number.isNaN(newIndex) &&
      previousIndex !== undefined && newIndex !== undefined && previousIndex !== newIndex) {
      moveItemInArray(this.arraySubtabs, previousIndex, newIndex);


  • Everything is working now.

    The problem was that I had the same [id]="'list-'+index" for horizontal and vertical tabs. Why am I so damn stupid?